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I am trying to automate the installation of the. NET Framework 3. Any official Microsoft sources see below only give you the option of downloading an. Windows Server R2 all editions includes the. NET Framework 4. It also includes the. NET 3. Run the following command Dism. We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.

Thanks for helping make community forums a great place. Click HERE to participate the survey. In sxs folder paste the. However, my question remains unanswered. Where can I download the setup files for. I cannot automate the installation of.

It’s more like a workaround than an answer, but I had exactly same issue with Windows 8. I was working on offline image, but that should work for you as well. Process: I have installed « source » machine from the same.

Added the required feature on the new machine required internet access in my case. That seemed to be good enough source. Not sure if this workaround will work if your « source » machine is installed from a different media. Thank you for your responses. I am legitimately surprised that so many answers rely on « installation disk » as the means to get this accomplished.

In the age of gigabit per second download speeds and public cloud deployments, I have no physical installation media for Windows Server. Brilliant, thank you for your enormous perseverance in finding the proper answer to your and my question, despite the only partially relevant answers here maybe I should call them ‘clues’. Like you, I found that the so-called ‘complete install’ EXE from Microsoft still attempted to log on to Microsoft Update servers, which I don’t happen to have available in my toolbox today I have a the.

I’m lost as far as ‘where’ to extract it to. Use the below command to enable the. Net 3. The server needs to have internet connection and Open the command prompt using Run as Administrator. If you have multiple features needing to install and have admin rights you can also enable local group policy to download them. I do this temporarily on customers domain systems setup for WSUS. Edit Group Policy. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads.

Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. NET Framework. Sign in to vote. Friday, November 27, PM. Apart from Big Marv’s answer, the best answer that I found was: 1. Download the. Mount the. ISO as a drive.

Friday, June 23, AM. Enable it offline: a. Open CMD. EXE with Administrative Privileges. Monday, November 30, AM. Regards, Arun. Hi Jiayi and Arun, Thank you for your responses, I appreciate it. Wednesday, December 2, PM. Here is the full. Monday, December 14, AM. Monday, December 28, PM. Monday, January 2, PM. Microsoft has done a superb job of making this add-on impossible to install.

I get error codes all over the place. This question should have an answer. Monday, May 8, PM. Additional notes: 1. Some updates block installation of.

Tuesday, May 16, PM. Mount the ISO or insert the disk, point it to the correct drive, and you should be good to go. Tuesday, May 30, PM. Thursday, June 8, PM. Thursday, June 15, PM. Old post but download 7zip to extract EXE files. Tuesday, June 20, PM. It’s frustrating that these necessary files aren’t more readily available online. Thursday, October 19, PM.

Best, CB. Monday, March 12, PM. Thanks, Dick. Friday, September 28, PM. I know this is most likely a dead thread but this solution is the only one that worked for me. Massive thanks to this poster. The server needs to have internet connection and Open the command prompt using Run as Administrator dism. Wednesday, October 31, PM. Tuesday, November 13, AM. Tuesday, January 8, PM.

That is the best advice in this topic! Thursday, February 14, AM. I downloaded Windows Server R2 could be the day evaluation version , this worked. Friday, August 28, PM.


[SOLVED] Net framework with Windows ?? – Before you begin

Finally it decided to work. Asked 8 years, 4 months ago. To install. Azure Architect Skill Challenge. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. NET 3. NET based security update, it жмите сюда possible to install /43587.txt.


Windows 8 sources sxs download free


I am trying windws get. I have tried from command prompt with основываясь на этих данных original install disk, but it ends up giving me the same message. It’s a little how-to I made on getting it on Server R2 but will apply to Windows 8 or 8. NET 3.

And you changed the source soources the CD drive I assume? I’ll also admit, I put in the Windows 7 disk out of habit, so I should ask if you’ve got the right disk? It is annoying that it wouldn’t natively install, and even downloading the entire offline installer still stops at ‘downloading source files’ despite I windows 8 sources sxs download free the whole file узнать больше. Do you by any chance use windoss WSUS server?

I’ve noticed that if you have one configured and try to install. We use a different product for patched and updates, I hate it and don’t let its agent on my machine. Thanks all. Finally it decided to work. I did updates, rebooted, it didn’t want to work but I tried again and it was good. Maybe an issue with the dvd drive This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting.

To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Your daily dose of tech news, in windows 8 sources sxs download free. Download snapchat for windows phones free to Thursday. If we dial back the calendar some years, you’ll hear a tale of twists that have impacted anyone who’s built, upgraded, or repaired a computer What is the best way of enabling Office 2FA?

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What proce Over the next five years, a total of 21, men would work ceaselessly to produce what would be the largest dam of its time, dree well as one Windows 8 sources sxs download free recently spoke with a friend who raised an eyebrow at my decision to leave my first IT job after only 13 months.

His career has been as a civilian Windows 8 sources sxs download free employee where, as he /6758.txt seriously describes it, « people will look at you quizzically if you’re Hello All,We are re-thinking how we communicate passwords for new staff due to some new guidelines for Fed Ramp since we are a Govt Agency Contractor to meet their guidelines.

Currently, we have been emailing their default passwords to the personal email a Online Events. Log in Join. Home Windows Windows 8 Net framework 3. Posted by Dukat Solved. Windows 8. Hi all, I am trying to get. It’s windows 8. Dukat This person is a verified professional. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional.

Popular Topics in Windows 8 Windows 8. Yep, I had to use the install disk and command line. OP Dukat This person is a verified professional. That’s what I’ve been trying. Use the « Source » option to specify the location of the files that are required windows 8 sources sxs download free o restore downlosd feature. AshleyLewisMS This person is a verified professional. Make sure you have all the Windows updates installed first.

Spice 1 flag Report. WS R2 is the same way. Thanks to all who replied! Read these next


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Net Framework 3. This message is displayed when you try to install an application that requires. Net 3. Net version on your computer. This problem occurs because. Net 4. To remove this problem you have to enable this feature.

There are two ways to enable this feature; the first is, when you are online, download and install it and the second is offline using the DISM command in a command prompt window. Enable Feature. Step 3 In the Windows Feature dialog click on « . Step 4 The Windows feature will be installed and finally, this window will appear, then click Close. Step 3 Wait a few minutes; the. Summary In this article, we learned about Enable.

View All. ISO for Windows Server could be the day evaluation version. ISO as a drive. CJBS im guessing that only works if the person is a subscriber right? Your approach should always work — while the product is current. MS probably removes the ability to download evaluation media for a product when its successor is released, whereas legacy ISO downloads remain available for subscribers on MSDN. The solution was to copy the ISO to a local temp folder and mount it from there.

Peter Schneider Peter Schneider 2, 1 1 gold badge 13 13 silver badges 16 16 bronze badges. Use the « Source » option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. For more information on specifying a source location, see go.

Error: 0xff — Cataster. I guess your problem is that adding this feature requires internet access. See here — Peter Schneider. Mohammed Nalawala Mohammed Nalawala 1. This question has already been answered, and with far more detail. Please review the accepted answer for a good example of how to contribute to Stack Overflow.

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